Friday, January 31, 2014

Treat other as you would want to be treated
 I like Ellen DeGeneres. I think she is a dingle berry. That is what we call ding-a-lings around here. I just loved her show she had in the 90’s. Then she came out of the closet about being gay. . Really, she did, I think in that episode she did walk out of a closet. I thought that was brilliant.

 I continued to watch because I like her humor. Unfortunately, she started making the show about being gay. Oh well, still like Ellen DeGeneres... It did not turn me off that she was a lesbian.  I stopped watching because she was not the same anymore. She was probable under a lot of stress trying to fight for her choices.

I am glad she is back on top (no pun intended) She belongs there. This is not because she a lesbian, but because she is a good person that is very funny.

I grow up Lutheran. I loved to go to church. I loved to listen to the weekly sermon’s the best. I sucked in all the information I could about the bible. In addition, my grandmother Stanfield was a Jehovah witness. I studied this for a while. I could not get myself wrapped around the fact that they claimed to be the only truth.  I do not really think any one entity is the only truth. This is my opinion.

When I was in the army, I meet a man on a bus trip from Minnesota to Seattle Washington. I got on the bus and two seats were available. One was next to a clean cut man and the other next to a longhaired unkempt kind of man. I choose to sit next to the clean cut man.  This clean cut man watched over me on this trip. He made sure I was always safe. We had many hours to talk about our lives and get to know each other. This man was gay. he was also a warlock. I do not know that much about witchcraft but whatever He introduced me to women that use to be a man. I had never experienced this world. When the trip was over, he gave me his card and said if I ever needed anything to give him a call. I never did. Not because he was gay more like I am just not good with keeping up with people. I did like him though.

I was stationed in Washington State and living in the barracks, I meet a woman that stayed in the room next to mine. We became best friends and did almost everything together.  One night I was working late and locked myself out of my room. I knocked on her door and asked if I could stay with her until morning. In the morning, I could get the spare key from the office to get into my room.  “Sure” she said and we slept in a twin bed together. A month later, she confessed to me that she was a lesbian.  “Huh” “Really” “Really” “Huh” I think I was insulted. Am I not attractive enough for you (my mind was wondering.)  “Why haven’t you made any moves on me?” I asked.

“Because I know that you are not that way.” She told me.

I was also shocked because she had been going out with a jerk that drove a corvette. Any Man that drives a corvette is a jerk. I thought that was why they had just broken up.  I know that is being judgmental.

Anyways, I think if you are a good person and treat other well it should not matter who you love, and you deserve be treated with respect.

If you are not a good person and do not treat others with respect.  You do not deserve respect from others. This is my bottom line.  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sometimes there are no answers

Sometimes there are no answers

Gun in home 
December 5th 2012 a 4-year old boy found a gun and began to play with it and shot his younger brother. The two year old died. The father had the gun loaded and hiding under a pillow.

The father is now convicted of child endangerment and manslaughter.

I will keep my opinion to myself.

You may be wondering why I am telling you this story. When I was 16, my father was in the hospital and my mother went to visit him.  She left us home to take care of ourselves, after all, we ranged in age from 10 to 16 and we could take care of ourselves for a few hours. The neighbor boy was over visiting my brother and they were playing around with the guns. No big deal, we lived on a farm and we were always taking the gun out and shooting squirrels and rabbits. Target practice and stuff like that. The rule was no loaded guns in the house.

 I do not remember the details of that afternoon but I do remember looking up from where I was and seeing my brother pointing the rifle at my head. I yelled at him to put it down and not to point guns at a person’s head.

He was my almost twin we were 11 months three weeks apart so we are the same age for one week out of the year.  “Don’t worry,” he said laughing. “It’s not loaded.”  I walked out of the room.

 About 5 or 10 minutes later the rifle went off and then a blood curdling scream. One of my other brothers had just been shot. He was sitting in a chair watching a movie. We were in the basement and the floors and half the walls were concert. The bullet ricochet around the basement and a piece of it went up from the floor and hit him in the hip and came out his back.

If my brother had shoot me that day I would have forgave him. If he had killed me I still would have forgave him. He would not have known I forgave him and would have to live the rest of his life not knowing I had forgiven him.

Oh sure we joke about it now, especially the bother that was shot. It was a war movie he was watching and it was in the middle of a war scene. He said that the movie had great special effect but a little too real for comfort.

In further investigation, my brother that had been shot was the person that had left the bullet in the gun the day before.

Two year later, I joined the army and had to take apart and put back together my weapon (if you call it a gun you would have to drop and do twenty pushups for the drill sergeant).

 My ex-husband and I would go shooting in the mountains. I loved guns again and felt comfortable around them again.

I have gun all over the house now. We live in the country. My husband sometime leave them lying around. We get coyotes, fox and sometime sick raccoons around the yard.

Gun control is all over in the news these days. My opinion, I will not share with you because after all sometimes there are no answers.

Although, if you have weapons in the house lock them up, especially if you have children

 This is my flow

Friday, January 24, 2014

Every day I go for a walk

Every Day I go for a walk
 Every day I go for a walk. Not always because I want to but because I have to. I have a dog and that is one of the highlights of her day.  You got spots to sniff and dig in. squirrels, birds and an occasional other dog from the neighborhood.

Years ago I read a poem about going for a walk.  How before you go for a walk are you prepared. What if you were to die on your walk? Would the one’s you love know how you feel about them, do you have any unsaid words to them? Are all your affairs in order?  WOW! I want to do that always let people know how I really feel. Say what is always on mind. Always have things settled and understood no matter what.

In reality this is not going to happen as you know. I had coworker years ago and we were great friends. I was a waitress and he was the cook we had the night shift. My boys were pre- teens and he was in his early twenties. He had a band so I asked him to come over and teach the boys music.  We got to know each other pretty good. One day at work he was just rude to me all night for no reason. It went on for a week. He would almost bring me to tears. The manager saw what was happening and told me not to worry about it because it was not me he was mad at but something going on in his life.  Really I thought so why is it me that he is attacking? Can’t he tell me himself I thought we were close enough for him to tell me what was bothering him?

Another week went by and when the restaurant was fairly empty and we would fix ourselves a meal and take a break I walked by the kitchen counter. A plate of over easy eggs with rye toast flew up under the hot lights and he appeared saying, did someone order eggs and toast. This was one of my favorite things to eat.  I just looked at him and walked away.  I really did like him and I should have forgiven him.  I didn’t though and life went on.

This is just a small example of many times and situations.

Also there is the part about having your affairs in order.  ? Grandma Stanfield wrote the best living will ever. I respected the woman loved her dearly, but she had twenty some years to prefect dying.  She lived to 97 and had all her faculties.  I guess I should start some day.

Every day I go for a walk. Not always because I want to, but because I have to. I have to keep my sanity. I will never be able to be prepared at any given moment so for now I will just walk, wave at and occasionally chat with neighbors and always hope for the best.



Monday, January 20, 2014

Always make good use of your time

You have to make good use of your time


The other day I asked an employee why was she so late for work . She just looked at me with a fretful look on her face. “I don’t know,” she said. “I left home on time, I just did my usual stuff and now I am here.” “I must have been in a time warp”.  (No drugs were involved.)

 I guess I had to believe her because she looked sincere about it. Actually, she looked dazed and confused. She walked out the room mumbling something about it should only take me 20 min. Where did the time go?

I too have been a victim of that very same time warp. It has happened more times than I would like to admit. I will tell the C.O. (chief organizer aka my hubby.) I will be back in about an hour. Two hours later, I am still out doing my stuff. Although, he has learned over the years that YES I do know my way home, YES I will get there eventually and  NO do not ask me any details (cause I don’t remember)( No drugs were involved) Traffic was slow, I had to stop and talk to someone, the line at the gas station was long. It mystifies me! Maybe it’s because I am juggling work, home and everything else all the time.

I wonder when this time warp grabs us. Is it when we pull out of the driveway? Is there an invisible bubble that we drive into? I wonder what we do in this time warp. Do aliens grab us, probe our minds and then erase our memories.

So remember, you have to make good use of your time. Because you never know when those time warp aliens are going to snatch you up and waste your time.